A bit unconventional, a lot compassionate. We, Trent and Sheila DeVerter, came from engineering backgrounds, and this interest in brand strategy and helping small businesses was an unsuspected twist in our careers.  We carry a systematic approach adopted from engineering, combined with the creativity of communications and storytelling, to form a unique approach to marketing and media in today’s world.

Trent has a master’s degree in Strategic Communications from Washington State University and a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. Trent has always enjoyed performing, entertaining, and helping others. He uses his passions to capture your moments through photography, videography, and podcasting. Trent also is also a career coach, which combines very well with his strategic communications degree, to help with what you need to improve your business.

Sheila has degrees in Systems and Aerospace Engineering, with a deep passion for design and architecture. She enjoys designing logos, graphics, and websites. She takes this passion to help create the media and graphics that best reflect your business and story. Sheila stays up to date on internet trends and how to apply that to your business.



We are here to help strengthen the small town energy and maintain those characteristics we know and love in the community.


We pride ourselves for being your trusted partners, providing honest feedback and making sure our recommendations align with your business context.

Continuous Learning

We aim to educate alongside all of our services to empower our partners and ensure that they are equipped with the necessary skills and tools.



Every business is unique, so we allocate time to really understand your business and goals before all else. This ensures that your customized solution is appropriate for where you want to drive your business and that your brand is authentically YOU.


We take a systematic approach, ensuring that we thoroughly analyzed the problem at hand. We are transparent in the steps we take and collaborate with you closely to ensure the strategy and execution of the solution fit your needs.


Although we are available to you even after a project is completed, we want to make sure that you are empowered to carry on the solutions we implemented together yourself.


Depending on the state of your business, the season, everyone has a different capacity on the amount of changes that they can and are willing to make to their business. We specifically curate our solutions and options so that we can meet you where you are at.